May 29, 2012

Spring Term has Sprung

Hello again everyone!

I have not blogged in quite some time but a lot has happened, so I will fill you in.

The winter term wrapped up at the start of April and my exams went well and I passed all my classes so I guess I cannot complain.  I had about a week off before I started my spring term, which was a little weird because I have never had school in the summer but it was a smooth transition. Mostly just hung out with friends that week and then took a quick trip with my mom and my grandma to Sterling Heights, Michigan to do a little shopping. Target was good to me this trip.  I got a bunch of long skirts and some other warm weather clothes that will be good for this summer here in Canada and then the next eight months in Botswana.

If you have never been to Sterling Heights, you have never experienced the road system there. This might be an interest to all my Planning friends out there but the roads are pretty confusing. Essentially you cannot make any left turns on the main road, instead you have to pass the store you want to go to and then make this organized U-turn and then backtrack back to where you want to go. I have always been curious why they did it this way. Maybe it is better for the environment? I am not sure. If you know anything about this I would like for you to let me know.

A day or two after I got back from the States, it was back to school for me. This term all the people in my program (there are about 30 of us) are living in St. Paul’s, this is where I have lived for the last 8 months although I am no longer a don any more.  It was very nice to see all my friends again and I got to keep my own room which was nice.  When we came back the 4C International Development Students were back from their overseas placements, so they could share some of their knowledge with us. I learned lots of interesting facts from Sarah and Dana who spent the last eight months in Botswana. It made me very excited but also made me realize that there is still a lot I have to do before September.  

I had only a few nights back in Waterloo before I had to pack up my summer clothes because my family and I were going on a DISNEY CRUISE!!!  This was an amazing trip and I will tell you more about it and put some pictures up in the next few days.

Thanks for reading!